Nos collections


Princes and adventurers, their costumes throughout the ages

Travel log:
“The trunk suddenly takes off, almost overturns, then lands on a cloud...”
An extraordinary journey throughout time begins:
In search of the costumes of princes and adventurers who are in our history books.
As the centuries go by, pharaohs, ancient warriors, barbarians, knights, emperors and even superheroes show their outfits.

Princes and adventurers have not always dressed in the same way...

ISBN : 9782953415032

17.50 €

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Dresses for a little princess, the history of French fashion
Dresses for a little princess, the history of French fashion
Princes and adventurers, their costumes throughout the ages
Princes and adventurers, their costumes throughout the ages
Colouring book
Colouring book
Poster "History of French fashion" 50cmx70cm
Postcards Paris Haute Couture
Postcards Paris Haute Couture
Bag minimonde
Bag minimonde